What Should You Do When You Face Criminal Charges?What Should You Do When You Face Criminal Charges?

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What Should You Do When You Face Criminal Charges?

I do my best to stay out trouble with the law. I avoid conflicts and try to help others do so as well. But a few years ago, trouble found me. My ex was quite angry with me after our breakup. Instead of moving on and finding someone else, my ex decided to frame me for something I didn't do. My ex called the authorities and filed abuse charges against me. I explained the situation to the police but they arrested me anyway. I later found out through my criminal attorney that this was illegal. It was my ex's word against mine at the time and I shouldn't have been arrested that day. After spending months clearing my name, I decided to help other victims of unfair crimes. If you need information on criminal law, read my blog. You don't have to fight injustice alone. Good luck.


Tips for Fighting Your Domestic Violence Charges

Being involved in a domestic violence case is obviously not a pleasant experience for either side. But if you are the defendant in an upcoming case, you may feel like you are between a rock and a hard place. It can be hard to push back against claims of domestic violence, and sometimes even just the accusation can leave lasting damage to your reputation. But it's important to keep a cool head in this situation and realize that you still have rights. It might be possible to win your case or end up with a better result than you are currently expecting if you happen to play your cards right. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you will be defending yourself in a domestic violence case.

You Have the Right to Call Your Own Witnesses

When it comes to domestic violence, the alleged victim's story is likely going to be compelling. Things could be rough for you if the victim has witnesses or detailed information about what happened. But remember that you have the right to call your own witnesses as well. If someone can testify that the victim is embellishing or exaggerating what happened, or is flat out lying in some instances, you can call the victim's credibility into question. A criminal defense attorney may also be able to help you secure video from a security camera or other outlet that could also help tell the full story.

Give Your Own Detailed Account

Domestic violence cases can spend months in the court system before reaching a resolution. It might be some time between when you are charged and when you will testify your defense. For this reason, it's a good idea to write down a detailed account of what happened from your perspective. Give this account to your attorney for safekeeping and put another copy in a secure location. This will refresh your memory before you testify and ensure that your story stays the same all the way through the case.

Let Your Attorney Make Contact When Needed to Make Sure You Don't Get Into More Trouble

When someone is facing domestic violence charges, it's likely there might also be a temporary protective or restraining order involved. You as the defendant may be required to stay away from your accuser during the process, and that includes not trying to call or text them. If you need information from them as part of collecting evidence for your case, leave all contact with the accuser up to your attorney.

Contact a local attorney with experience in domestic violence cases, such as one from Cohen Law Offices, LLC, today to begin planning your path forward.