What Should You Do When You Face Criminal Charges?What Should You Do When You Face Criminal Charges?

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What Should You Do When You Face Criminal Charges?

I do my best to stay out trouble with the law. I avoid conflicts and try to help others do so as well. But a few years ago, trouble found me. My ex was quite angry with me after our breakup. Instead of moving on and finding someone else, my ex decided to frame me for something I didn't do. My ex called the authorities and filed abuse charges against me. I explained the situation to the police but they arrested me anyway. I later found out through my criminal attorney that this was illegal. It was my ex's word against mine at the time and I shouldn't have been arrested that day. After spending months clearing my name, I decided to help other victims of unfair crimes. If you need information on criminal law, read my blog. You don't have to fight injustice alone. Good luck.


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With more than 40 percent of marriages ending in divorce, anyone facing a divorce filing is in good company. If you're facing a divorce yourself, you may feel as though you're just not sure where to start. The truth is that the divorce process can be confusing to navigate when you're unfamiliar with it. This can, unfortunately, lead to mistakes that can disrupt your final case. Here's a look at some things that your divorce attorney wants you to know before you file for your divorce. Read More 

Tips for Fighting Your Domestic Violence Charges

Being involved in a domestic violence case is obviously not a pleasant experience for either side. But if you are the defendant in an upcoming case, you may feel like you are between a rock and a hard place. It can be hard to push back against claims of domestic violence, and sometimes even just the accusation can leave lasting damage to your reputation. But it's important to keep a cool head in this situation and realize that you still have rights. Read More 

Legal Help After A DUI: Free On Not?

All of those arrested are provided with an opportunity to obtain legal assistance. The right to counsel is meant to give defendants a more even playing field when facing charges from the state. When it comes to a DUI charge, legal representation is vital. A lot can be on the line with a DUI conviction, and sentencing can be harsh. In some cases, those arrested might be entitled to free legal help in the form of a public defender. Read More