What Should You Do When You Face Criminal Charges?What Should You Do When You Face Criminal Charges?

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What Should You Do When You Face Criminal Charges?

I do my best to stay out trouble with the law. I avoid conflicts and try to help others do so as well. But a few years ago, trouble found me. My ex was quite angry with me after our breakup. Instead of moving on and finding someone else, my ex decided to frame me for something I didn't do. My ex called the authorities and filed abuse charges against me. I explained the situation to the police but they arrested me anyway. I later found out through my criminal attorney that this was illegal. It was my ex's word against mine at the time and I shouldn't have been arrested that day. After spending months clearing my name, I decided to help other victims of unfair crimes. If you need information on criminal law, read my blog. You don't have to fight injustice alone. Good luck.


Things You Need To Know Before Filing For Divorce

With more than 40 percent of marriages ending in divorce, anyone facing a divorce filing is in good company. If you're facing a divorce yourself, you may feel as though you're just not sure where to start. The truth is that the divorce process can be confusing to navigate when you're unfamiliar with it. This can, unfortunately, lead to mistakes that can disrupt your final case. Here's a look at some things that your divorce attorney wants you to know before you file for your divorce.

Don't Try To DIY Your Divorce

Almost every courthouse offers the filing paperwork and fee schedules for those who wish to file their divorce pro se, or without an attorney. Many people facing divorce consider this option as a means of saving money by eliminating the attorney's fees. However, this isn't necessarily the best solution. 

In fact, if you file your divorce pro se, it's easy to make mistakes along the way that can lead to dismissal in court. This can cost you significantly when you have to refile, so it's in your best interest to reach out to a divorce attorney in advance to get legal guidance before you file so that you can be sure that the money you invest results in a successful divorce filing.

Prioritize Discovery

All too often, when a divorce seems to be agreeable, people will opt to skip the discovery process and simply agree to a settlement in an effort to get things over with. This can be a costly mistake because what seems like an agreeable divorce can sometimes lead to one spouse hiding assets that the other spouse would otherwise be entitled to a portion of.

Even when you think your spouse has been completely honest, you should discuss discovery with your attorney. He or she can help to ensure that you're getting everything that you're entitled to with a clear and honest financial picture.

Be Reasonable, Not Emotional

There's no avoiding the fact that divorce is an emotional thing. However, when you're working with an attorney and settling your divorce, it's important that you approach the process reasonably and practically, not emotionally. Don't try to use the divorce to punish your spouse. Instead, opt for an agreeable settlement in which you both get what's fair and equitable. Trying to be vindictive could backfire in court because the judge could view you as unreasonable and find more in your spouse's favor instead.

Talk with a divorce attorney today for more help. To learn more about divorce attorney services, contact a professional near you.